
Saturday 6 April 2024

Two Train Crashes

 Two Train Crashes


Train "A" travelling to it's destination collides with a fixed object and suddenly stops abruptly.
Train "B" again travelling to its destination with the same parameters, also collides with an fixed object, but unlike Train "A" it continues through the crash site for several seconds.

     If all things are similar between the 2 trains, the conclusion would be, using momentum,  that train "B" has a larger mass than train "A" . 
     There also could be a second conclusion as to the cause for Train "B" collision.
Time may have slowed which would have resulted in Train "B" to pass through the crash site and travel further in time. This results in 2 possible outcomes resulting in the same crash cause. Exactly two possibilities that mirror each other.  
      The analogy would be the train is the speed of light and the crash site is the cornea.

     Einstein stated as an object approaches the speed of light it's mass approaches infinity. This would describe why more energy is required to push the object as it approaches closer to the speed of light. In fact all the energy of the Universe would be needed to approach the speed of light.. Einstein used classical physics to describe this phenomena. He also described the Black Hole phenomena as infinity mass to describe why light does not exist from a Black Hole. Again the use of classical physics to describe a phenomena.

     That's the mistake.  

Einstein correctly described lights relative velocity would slow as it passed through the Sun's cornea, Knowing the effect he again used classical physics to describe the cause. Mass curves space and creates a longer distance for light to travel, causing it's relative velocity to slow.

     That's the mistake.

The Corona effect and the Black Hole are caused by the same phenomena that slows time.
The only difference is the scale of the event. In both cases light's velocity is slowed. In the case of the Black Hole the velocity of light approaches zero. At this point light no longer exists.

      All these Infinity Mass and Infinity Energy get a bit daunting. 
      Einstein stated that mass would increase as an object approaches light speed, but he also said the opposite. Mass creates gravity waves , which are a cost to the mass in energy, which causes mass to loose it's mass.

     So which is it?  Does mass continually loose it's mass or does it gain mass?

To better understand Black Holes and the Universe at large the Sun's cornea effect must 1st be understood. 

Monday 1 May 2023

Does the Earth Really Exist


                                                   Does the Earth exist


   The worlds scientists are  endlessly searching for planets that can sustain life. A planet that because of it's earth like environment can sustain life as we know it. These would include similar surface temperatures and surface atmosphere pressures that are not extreme  Atmosphere gases containing oxygen and nitrogen that can sustain plant and animal life. Extensive water sources which all life requires.  Also most importantly a near by Sun that would give continuous  heat and solar energy for plant life.   

           Sound impossible? It might very well be impossible.  No matter where we look there doesn't appear any planet that would closely resemble the earth in any degree, no matter how small a degree.

           Is it possible that we're looking at the question from the wrong angle? Maybe we need to see the question from an entirely different prospectus.

           The earth is something entirely very special. The earth is an anomaly. It's perfect. Completely and utterly perfect. How does something so perfect exist when comparing it everything we see and have studied? If a professor was explaining what a perfect planet is to his class, how many would believe it could even be inexistence. 

           That's the point. How can the earth be?

          The ancients of old built the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, but for what purpose? There is no writing in Hieroglyphics inside the Great pyramid or for that matter anywhere that explains either the Great Pyramid or the Sphinx. 

          The Great Pyramid was the largest and tallest building built on earth up to the mid 1800s. The interior of the Pyramid has no markings, (small amount of graffiti from modern times) no writing, and no artwork. There is nothing in ancient Hieroglyphics that mentions the Great Pyramid including it's purpose or who constructed this monument.


          The Great Pyramid was completely sealed and their is no evidence that the pyramid was ever entered prior to 820 A.D by the Caliph AL-Ma'mun.   The rough surface of the pyramid is a result of the casing stones (highly valuable ) having been removed and taken to Cairo in 1356 for construction purposes.

          There is a very imaginative theory that an Egyptian King Khuku because his misspelled name was found in a very hidden location inside the pyramid built the pyramid. There is no evidence that Khuku built anything in his life time, and there is only one very small ornament in existence even associated with Khuku. 

         If you were a great King that built the Greatest building on earth, would you hire someone to misspell your name in using ink, (not cut in stone), and print this name in an obscure and hidden location.  Or did someone that wanted recognition, quickly write Khuku's name where no one would have previously seen, therefore not be able to discredit the writing and then publicly declare who constructed the Great Pyramid. A clever lie. A   sarcophagus  was the only item found inside the Great Pyramid minus it's lid.

       The Great Pyramid was built by the ancients pre flood, but not as a grave but for something of greater importance. It's importance is demonstrated by the pyramids immense size and effort to construct.

       Ancient scripts including the Sumerian texts and the Book of Enoch, along with the Bible all speak of a small group called "The Watchers"  that came to the earth to transform the earth into a Paradise. A green house for all plant and animal life to flourish. What the purpose of that Garden of Eden was, it was never stated.

        After some time expired, these Watchers became lazy and complained to their council that they needed help to accomplish this work of expanding plant growth through irrigation and cultivation. The council finally agreed and decided to introduce humans. Humans were never intended to live on earth and eventually would prove to be the downfall of the earth and all the existed on the earth.

        How did a barren rock of a planet become a green house? To transform a rock planet with a surface temperature of minus 200 degrees K into a garden, the planet needed a dreamer. A dream that could replace what actually existed into what was needed to exist. Over time dreamers were of high value and needed to be protected for if the dreamer dies or is awaken the dream dies.

        This is the reason for the Great Pyramid. To protect the dreamer from awakening. No matter what invading army would pass through Egypt the Pyramid was sealed, protecting the dreamer in his  sarcophagus . If the dreamer is awaken the earth will return to it's natural state, a barren rock mass with surface temperatures that will not sustain life.

         What happened to the Great Pyramid's dreamer? After he was awaken did he escape ? Was he replace by another dreamer? Was there more than one dreamer? Did a dreamer dream of himself becoming a dreamer.  Or the possibility that there is conflicting dreams with different destinies for the earth.

          Many evolution theorist will use one word to over come every issue. The word evolution. There is a very large problem with that. If the earth starts out as a mere rock in space, it will need oxygen for the support of animal life, and nitrogen for the support of plant life, along with water and an ambient temperature that can support both plant and animal life. The earth also has a myriad of eco systems to support the planet we know.

          For Evolution to develop and construct the earth we know, it would then have to have an awareness and conscience of it's own existence, to determine it's own destiny. This is absolutely completely crazy.

           Evolution can NOT exist. If the earth evolved from a nothing into a bare rock in space, and this came about through natural selection and selective mutations ? From nothing to a perfect planet while the rest of the known universe remains completely barren of life, with both examples given the same time frame, explains what? 

           The Big Bang theory and the theory that God created everything are both essentially the same belief. Everything from nothing.  Both are inaccurate.






Saturday 14 May 2022

Black Holes


                                  Black holes at the Centre of a Galaxy


     The understanding of black holes as a phenomena instead of Einstein's mass theory will allow us to begin to grasp this very unusual and very powerful object at the centre of every galaxy. Black holes are the real reason for the existence of a galaxy, as their force has brought together large masses of star formations.


     From the model of a galaxy's velocity extending outward, the outer elements of a galaxy are travelling  at a higher velocity and conversely the inner elements are approaching zero velocity. This runs contrary to what we understand, as an example of our own solar system object further out from the sun have a much slower velocity than those close to the sun. 

     So why the difference?  Its simply because galaxies have a black hole phenomena.

     The beginning of black holes are the result of two giant Pulsars being attracted together into a binary orbit. Over time other binary pulsar are attracted and pulled into an even larger singular orbit . These binary orbits are seen as a singular object orbiting around a common centre. They can be seen in the black hole as the sources of light within this orbit., as noted in the 1st photo

     In the photo above there are 3 distinct binary pulsars orbiting on a common orbit.


     In the photo above there appears to be spokes of stars emitting from the centre of the wheel. This indicates the number binary pulsars within the this galaxy's black hole and the strength of this black hole.

    Galaxies are formed from the strength of these binary pulsars as they attract and drag these star mases seemingly closer to the centre of their orbit.  It is at this point that something entirely different occurs. As the black hole formation is complete it transforms into an unlikely phenomena.

    As the second photo indicates, the closer objects approach the black hole , time slows , motion slows, and space is contracted.  All these values approach zero, hence light no longer exists. The object is justly called the Black Hole.

     This phenomena of space time alteration is the power of that supports the universe.  It was detected over 100 years ago from Einstein's prediction that light would appear to slow as it passed through our sun's atmosphere, the Corona. The Sun's magnetic fields are able to polarize a small region from the Sun's surface and create a space time alteration, which contracts space and slows time. This allows the Sun's atmosphere to super heat the sun's plasma. This region is call the Corona . With out the Cornea effect our world would not exist. This slowing of time and the contraction of space in the Cornea, allows for the Sun's Corona temperatures to be in the millions of degrees Kelvin, which is in sharp contrast to the  Sun's surface temperature of only 6000 Kelvin. So with out the sun's ability to create the Corona effect, Human life on earth would cease.

     So the correct result of Einstein's predictions is not that space was curved due to the mass of our Sun, which caused the light to appear to slow, but light slowed because time slowed, due to time space alteration .

     It took mankind 700 years to finally move on from the Greek theory of the cosmology of the universe. This set science and man kind back a millirem.

     If as a race of people, we are to discover new worlds and advance knowledge, we must  break free from the red herring theories of the past 100 years, and move foreword. This will mean to duplicate what is observed, and not theorized, to reproduce the Sun's ability to alter time and space. 


Wednesday 9 February 2022

The Four Principles of our Solar System

                                                     Principles of our Solar System



All things that are present in our solar system, have come from our solar system

All things that are present in our solar system, have always existed.

Infinity flows into our future and also into our past

Time and space has always existed, in the future and in the past.

In the beginning there is an end, which has a beginning that has an end , which has a beginning.

No object can escape the solar system unless it alters time and space. Any linear projection 

will eventually curve into an elliptical orbits .

The universe is and has always.

Saturday 10 July 2021


 I want to thank all those that viewed my blogs, with the exception of some small minded individual that saw fit to destroy many of my blogs by the deleting and destroying my photos and material.

I have informed the staff at G+ of these acts and over time and much research I will possibly restore these blogs.. 

Again I want to thank all those that found pleasure from viewing my blogs

Straw Walker

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Rethinking Einstein's Theory


     One of Einstein's founding theories was when an object approached the speed of light it's mass would approach infinity. This in effect would result in no object having the ability to travel faster than the speed of light. The theory raises a number of issues. 

1) Where does the mass come from? 
2) How is it created?
Einstein used the analogy by watching trains pass through a station.
Analogies cannot be used to determine a scientific conclusion. There is no relationship. 
Mass cannot be produced by analogy extensions, or by extrapolating mathematical curves.

     The real problem in Einstein's theory of gravity, it doesn't make sense. Newton described the force of gravity in his famous gravitational equation. This describes in a mathematical manner how 2 objects interact in space. This force acts in a straight line between these 2 objects. Therefore the force of gravity acts in a straight line. 

     Einstein theory is that mass curves space, therefore curves gravity, to produce the effect of what occurs between 2 objects in space. Einstein predicted that lights relative speed would slow as it approached the sun, which has been proven, but why? Einstein's theory suggests that space is curved therefore light takes longer to travel the distance around the Sun, therefore it appears to slow. 
This theory has a number of problems.
!) the galaxy andromeda is flat as a pancake as it extends outward from its centre,  which contains a massive black hole. No curvature.
2) Our solar system is flat, with the exception of Pluto. No curvature.
3) The space time distortion from the our Sun as discovered by experiments done in the 60's by Shapiro, indicates that the time space alteration disappears with very small incremental distances from the Sun, therefore this theory by Einstein cannot support the gravity required by the solar system. 

     When our sun alters time space in it's atmosphere, the Corona, it slows time and contracts space, which gives rise to the large temperature difference, from the Sun's surface v.s. its atmosphere. The Corona is caused by the Suns altering time space by contracting space The Suns velocity of gravity or the rate that the Sun contracts space, slows time.  The slowing of time is what appears as the slowing of light as it passes by the Corona. 

      The Corona is in a plasma state. The electroconductivity of a plasma may be treated as infinite and when influenced by a strong manganic field (Suns field) it becomes Magnetized . Their properties then are in the direction parallel to the magnetic field. This results in the Lorentz formula.

     The velocity of gravity is a function of time. The faster a Sun's ability to contract space, the slower the time. As time slows, the slower light's velocity. 

     Therefore there is 2 distinct actions of gravity 
1) The force of gravity, that is defined by the mass of each object, as Newton's equation suggests. 
2) The velocity of gravity, which alters time space, through the Sun's ability to contract space at a continuous rate. The force of gravity maintains our solar system, as planetary orbits. The velocity of gravity, slows time and alters time space to produce the sun's atmosphere which heats the solar system,(the Corona) and allows life.

     To give evidence of this we can exam the black spots on our Sun. These spots can give evidence to a working model to help explain Black Holes as both have absence of light. These black spots are not formed because of infinity mass as suggested by Einstein, but by their strong force of magnetic fields. Look closely and their magnetic flux are quite visible, as their size is larger than the earth. These are immense singular powerful forces.


     The same is true with the black holes in the center of galaxies. As star systems approach the centre of the galaxy their speed is reduced, because time is slowing. The movement of galaxies seems to contradict the movement of the solar system .. but they are totally different. 

     Our planets orbits in the solar system, travel at higher velocities, when they are near the Sun, while planets that orbit further out travel at slower velocities. Pluto's velocity is nearly a walking pace, while Mercury's velocity is very fast. The opposite is observed in galaxies, because the centre of a galaxy is a Black Hole, a phenomena that strongly alters space time, while in our Solar system, the centre is the Sun which has a disproportional amount of the entire solar system's mass. Two very different occurrences. The Black Hole is comprised of two or more paired Pulsars orbiting extremely fast in the same orbit. No matter how fast they travel in their decaying orbit they never meet, as they are contracting space, and slowing  time by their extremely strong magnetic fields. As time approaches zero, their orbit turns black, as their gravities velocity approaches infinity.   This is what Black Holes really are, not infinity mass, but where time stops.

     The Sun's ability to create the Corona effect  is exactly the same effect as in a Black hole, but a vastly smaller scale. The universe's ability to create time space alteration is it's greatest secret. Thus just as black holes emit very strong gamma rays, so to does the sum's corona.
This has been recently detected. 

Therefore; What results when space is contracted
1) Time slows in accordance to the velocity of gravity
2) Light relatives velocity slows
3) Energy is emitted
4) Positive gravity occurs
5) From the effect when Time and space is altered

What results when space is expanded
1) Time is accelerated in accordance directional change in the velocity of gravity
2) Energy is consumed
3) Light relative velocity increase
4) Negative gravity occurs
5) From the effect when  Time and space is altered

Hence; The equations of Straw Walker, are a result from Time and space alterations.
     For mankind to travel space, time space has to be altered. This can only be accomplished by building a working model of the Sun and how the Sun alters time and space. Once time space is altered space travel is not limited to the speed of light.

     The Cornea effect is produced by the Sun's ability to firstly polarize space, then by means of it's spinning magnetic field, the continuous contraction of this polarized space, is formed, resulting in time space alteration..  

     The Sun's ability to polarize space cannot be duplicated on earth, but water can be used instead of space. Water can be easily polarized. Then by duplicating the Sun's specific gravity of 1.3 in a sphere of water, spinning through an axis of a strong magnetic field, the water will transform, and time will slow. In a very specific set of circumstances, will cause this same effect. DMSO because of it's characteristics (dielectric value and dipolar moment)  is important in the enhancement of the water's transformation.

     The distance travelled in a rocket between two objects in space could be likened to stretching a string between two points in space. When space is altered by slowing time and contracting space, the distance travelled is the same between 2 points, but unlike the string stretched straight, the string now becomes a coil. As space is contracted and time is slowed  the traveler is now travelling in a circular path. Same distance but less travelling time. The more that space is contracted the more the string becomes a tighter compressed coil further reducing travelling time. With time and space altered, time and distance no longer travel on coexisting paths. While distance travelled is the same, the shortened distance coil, results in time no longer traveling on the same path as distance. Time now crosses directly through the centre of this tightly coiled path. This is what defines Time Space alteration. When time and space become separated.

     This results in the same distance travelled, but the time required has now been dramatically shortened. Instead of 20yrs travelling time when the distance is a straight line, it now only takes 3 months to travel the same distance. This contraction of space produces a
highly polarized, highly variable, steep-spectrum radio source that is transmitted forward.

      For mankind to travel beyond the solar system, time space contraction technology is required.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Who Killed John F. Kennedy

     To find out who assassinated the president of the United States on November 22, 1963, we have to go back before his inauguration, when the previous president Eisenhower approved to set up a training program in Guatemala for the training of a Cuban exile assault army.

      This plan was entirely under the direction of the director of the CIA, director John McCome. McCome was in direct communication with the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, Lyman Lemnitzter, who was the head of the US military. The existing power in the US military at that time were closely associated with the victories in WW2 and were firm believers in military solutions. The White House political solutions had changed dramatically with the election of a social democrat from the previous president, Eisenhower. This change would have dramatic effects throughout JFK's White House period.

     The invasion by the Cuban exiles into Cuba was to be called "The Bay of Pigs" There was several inherent problems with the Bay of Pigs, from the very conception, that would cause it's ultimate demise. 
1) The operation was to be kept a top secret, but very early on this was not the case. Many of the Cuban exiles in Miami were related to those taking military training in Guatemala and this information ultimately fell into Castro's hands, as family chatter was made known to him. 
2) The operation was to use outdated WW2 aircraft such as the B26 twin engine bomber. The world had changed a lot since WW2 and jets were common since the Korean war. These outdated aircraft were simply shot out of the air by the Cuban airforce and anti air craft fire. The White House issued an umbrella operation (to protect the exile army) which only included 6 older fighters, but these were soon dispensed with by the Cuban's. 
3) The location of the invasion was a swampy and muddy area that extended well before any exile army could reach the beaches. The movement of a landing army and it's equipment into a muddy swamp is not ideal when any moment lost to attaining the beaches is a moment that causes death and destruction. The other problem with the location is that it was further from Miami than needed to be. 
4) The biggest problem was the White House would not allow any direct US military involvement. The exile army was on it's own. 
5) The next biggest problem was the exile army could only muster 1400 men, and a number of them never reached the beaches, as their transports were destroyed. 
6) The next biggest problem was the Cuban army. The Cuban army was a well trained, highly motivated, and well equipped army that could access any part of Cuba in a matter of hours. Cuba is a small country and any invasion can be easy and quickly reached. Castro knew this and launched an attack on the invasion force with over 20,000 men. His army in a matter of hours completely crushed the Cuban exiles. 

     So the question is and has always been, why was this operation ever approved, when the success of the operation was ZERO. This operation was a complete embarrassment to the US military and the CIA. The White House administration was sending a clear signal to the CIA, the US military complex, the Pentagon and to the Cuban refugees in Miami that the US was not going to be involved with retaking Cuba as an American territory and controlled by the Mafia. This failure at the Bay of Pigs would demonstrate to those Cubans exiled in Miami that their efforts to regain Cuba were futile. 

     This did not sit well with the establishment. The Vice President LBJ hated the Kennedys. They were rich, influential, well educated and travelled in circlers he could only dream of. LBJ was from a poor Texas family. Poverty and class were not his biggest grips against them. He hated their social ideology that was bringing huge changes to America. This hatred would build as the Viet Nam conflict approached.

     It was John McCome that never forgave JFK for destroying his "Bay of Pigs " plan by not allowing US military involvement in the action.  This defeat left him totally embarrassed, and he sought revenge. Those of wealth and power are always victimized by those closest to them. The fox becomes the snake.

     It was John McCome that was tight lipped at the Warren Commission and was quickly supporting the lone shooter theory. Years later some CIA documents were
     declassified , and the spy agency acknowledges what others were convinced of long ago: that McCone and other senior CIA officials were “complicit” in keeping “incendiary” information from the Warren Commission.

      J. McCome had a ghost CIA agent named Tracy Barnes who was a long time military/agent that was directly involved with what was called the executive action. The executive action was an clandestine operation that eliminated foreign leaders that were deemed a threat to the security of the US. (Including the US President) One such executive action was the removal of Castro. This action was approved by then president Eisenhower in March of 1960. Tracy Barnes was directly related to this action, and he was not someone you messed with. He was to be taken as a serious person. The mere mention of his name was a threat  J. McCome used him to carry out his assassination of JFK.  There is no real identifiable picture of Barnes.
Tracy Barnes was simply the CIA's political assassin, a sociopath killer..


 Just 2 days after the killing of the US president the prime suspect was murdered by Jack Ruby. Jack Ruby was a Jewish pimp that ran a local nightclub. He was also terminally ill, and would die in prison.
     The question is why would Ruby push through a police escort, that were moving Oswald to a county prison and shoot Oswald to death? How did Ruby know the exact time and location of the escorted transfer of Oswald? 

     John McCome had to silence Oswald before he could testify, and therefore used Ruby who was terminally ill, to do the act. The CIA also knew the exact time and location to commit the murder and informed Ruby. Ruby knew he was dying and had nothing to loose as he was possibly facing drug trafficking charges so he cut a deal. What the deal entailed no one alive knows, except for Barnes who was there to cut the deal. As reported by a CIA field agent, Barnes was in Dallas.

Ruby did make one comment while in custody. "no one will ever know the truth."

     Within 5 years Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, and Martin L. King would all be assassinated for their 
views on social changes in America. They were all assassinated for the same reason JFK was murdered and by the same people. All these murders were connected.

     Somewhere in that Ambassador Hotel in California in 1968, Tracy Barnes was in the crowd with a loaded gun. The CIA assassin.

     Barnes always had a cover shooter, to cover his shots and allow him to slip away. With the aid of the CIA agents he is able to quickly leave the seen, unnoticed. Then later the J. McCome will  support a single shooter.  Well planned and unnoticed. 

     This allowed the old generation of politics to regain the power and position in America, which would eventually send troops to Viet Nam.